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Compliance made simple.

The Ultimate Virtual Compliance &

Document Management Solution.




Verified has gained widespread adoption within the Canadian post-secondary education sector as the go-to solution for managing their students’ Clinical and Field Placement programs. Providing a simple and robust system to navigate the complexities of the program, Verified is our signature solution to be implemented at these institutions.


Universities / Students


Registerarial Leaders


Chairs / Executives


100% Digital
Document Storage


Admin Burden


Collect, Track &
Report on requirements




Privacy Risks



What is

Verified is a professionally managed, AI-based, compliance management system. It expertly handles a wide range of compliance requirements such as, registrarial, certifications, training and immunizations, while ensuring all users are reminded of their compliance status. Verified is a complete ecosystem built on the experience of industry veterans, working non-stop to manage, review and validate your organizations needs.

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your focus

Verified cuts down your administrative burden, and provides you with the right information at your fingertips. Our flagship technology significantly reduces the time to capture, review, validate and report on the complex requirements of Clinical and Field Placement programs. Your Dashboard shows Live Updates and Status Reports of students, while we manage the data validation and compliance.    


Delegate stress to

Focus your time on things that matter the most and never worry about missing requirements or deadlines. Get real-time updates through your Dashboard and keep a pulse on student readiness for Clinical and Field placements. Verified increases compliance without all the heavy lifting.  


A window
with a view 

The configurable Dashboard Overview gives Administrators a direct line of sight in real-time, but on a need-to-know basis as defined by you. Verified is highly scalable to accommodate institutions of any size, with multiple departments and faculties. And yet it’s nimble enough to provide meaningful and accurate Compliance reports, whether that be an individual or the entire body. 

Who's already

  1. University of Toronto

  2. University of Western Ontario

  3. York University

  4. Brock University

  5. Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

  6. Mount Royal University

  7. Canadore College

  8. Fanshawe College

  9. Georgian College

  10. Fleming College

  11. Durham College

  12. Brescia University College

  13. George Brown College 

  14. Sheridan College

  15. Cambrian College

  16. Confederation College

  17. St. Clair College

  18. Campus Living Center

  19. And more being added…


Frequently asked

  • How much does it cost to get Verified?
    The costs are kept nominal keeping in mind the school, the students and the needs. You can get a detailed idea by requesting a demo and allowing us to learn more about your organization's needs.
  • How easy is it to use Verified?
    Verified has been designed keeping in mind the end-user. The platform employs a user-friendly UI, where an average user takes between 5 mins - 7 mins to submit their documentation to get Verified.
  • Are there different interfaces for Students and School administrators?
    Yes, there are. Verified has been built with each user experience in mind. Students receive important information regarding their compliance status and reminders, whereas school administrators are provided with detailed dashboards and aggregate insights into their student population’s compliance.
  • What if a Student finds it difficult to use?
    We provide a 24/7 help desk where most common issues are already addressed in the form of quick fixes and self-help guides. Still stuck, create a ticket and one of our dedicated help desk agents will respond in a timely manner.
  • How quickly can my school get started with Verified?
    Getting a school started with Verified involves a thorough understanding of their current process, their requirements and expectations. Take a look at “The Process” section to gain a better insight into our renowned onboarding process. All together it can take between 8-12 weeks to get started.
  • Data Security and Privacy are key concerns for our school, how does Verified keep our data and our students safe?"
    We are deeply committed to ensuring the safety, security and confidentiality of the information that we collect and share with our users. Having said that, we provide each client with our latest Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT) and can provide access to our policies and supporting compliance documentation. Rest assured, your data is safe as we encourage this as a first step in making a decision!
  • Why do schools transition to Verified for their student clinical and field placement requirements verification?
    We ask this of all our clients and the answers are resoundingly similar. Schools are looking at ways to limit liability and risks while maintaining privacy of sensitive user data. With Verified, school administrators only see what is necessary, nothing more, nothing less. In addition, reducing the resources required to review, validate and consistently monitor student requirements is significantly reduced with Verified in place! Access to real time data with strong systems and management behind them, truly creates a unique Verified experience.

What users feel about Verified.

Sarah Brathwaite
Records Manager

The entire team at Synergy Gateway is extremely responsive, open to suggestions, and creative when finding solutions to any challenges we faced. It is a very successful
partnership for our students and administrative teams.

Barbara MacCheyne
VP Administration & CFO

The implementation of Verified by Synergy Gateway Inc. at Durham College, has resulted in a efficient and secure process for collecting, verifying, and securely storing
field placement documentation that meets FIPPA/PHIPPA legislative requirements. This reduces our risks with respect to data access, privacy and storage.

Tobey McCann
Sr. Admin Manager

The Verified platform is available to students 24/7, clinical experts review student requirements and provide real-time data reporting to our academic administrators,
enabling them to provide a high level of service to our students and field placement hosts”


Let's get you Verified.

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